Tom Hiles sustainability officer and Director Charlie Bevan-Jones jetted off to Romania to visit some mills that have recently received FSC status!
“When a company commits to a sustainable ethos it is important that they pay it more than lip service, which is why Border Hardwood works hard to ensure that our suppliers not only have the necessary certification but also adhere to expected work practices and the best way to make sure of that is to go and see them!” said Tom.
The mills that Border Hardwood visited have recently gained FSC status, which has given rise to the opportunity to become one of Border Hardwoods trusted suppliers. However, it is important that BH carry out due diligence checks, especially with all the corruption in the timber industry in Europe. Checks like this also go part of the way in combating the issues around certification, but they also encourage other mills to see the benefits of that FSC certification can bring them.
“We visited a forest where the timber is being managed, checking that sustainable forestry practices were being carried out, which they were. The processes they were following were in line with modern techniques and held with the ideals of the FSC chain of custody.
“We checked on the work practice of the mills as well as looking at samples of their chain of custody. We were very impressed with the mills and their commitment they have to sustainable forestry, so we hope this will become a long standing relationship that we can mutually benefit from.” Commented Tom
The forests, mills and the stock must all be checked to make sure that they are all in line with the standards set out by the FSC.
“Trips like this are really important for timber merchants who supply FSC timber, as the FSC doesn’t carry out due diligence checks,” Charlie added.
All in all it was an interesting, successful and enjoyable visit to Eastern Europe for Border Hardwood.